Phone:+86-24-8397 0367;
Address:Institute of Applied Ecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. 72 Wenhua Road, She nyang 110016, PR China

Ph.D in Rice physiology, Agronomy Dept., Shenyang University of Agriculture, P.R. China, 1999. 
M.Sc in stress physiology,Agronomy Dept., Nanjing University of Agriculture, P.R. China, 1991. 

2012- : Professor, Institute of Applied Ecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. 

2001-2012:Research Associate, Institute of Applied Ecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. 
2006-2007: Academic visitor, Biology School, Cardiff University, UK.

1999-2001: Postdoc, Institute of Applied Ecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences.

1991-1996: Teaching Assistant/Lecturer,Shenyang University of Agriculture, P. R. China

  • miRNA and siRNA; DNA damage; DNA Mismatch repair (MMR) system; Biomarker; Ecotoxicology; Arabidopsis

  • 1.     W Cui, H Wang, J Song, X Cao, Hilary J Rogers, Ds Francis, ChY Jia, L Sun, M Hou, Y Yang, P Tai , Wan Liu*. Cell cycle arrest mediated by Cd-induced DNA damage in Arabidopsis root tips. 2017, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety (accepted)

    2.     HT Wang, L He, J Song, W Cui, Y Zhang, ChY Jia, Dennis Francis, Hilary J Rogers, L Sun, P Tai, X Hui, Y Yang, W Liu*Cadmium-induced genomic instability in Arabidopsis: molecular toxicological biomarkers for early diagnosis of cadmium stress, Chemosphere, 2016, 150: 258-265

    3.     ZhL Li, ZhH Liu, X Li, P Tai, Z Gong,ChY Jia, W Liu*, DNA damage andgenetic methylation changes caused by Cdin Arabidopsis Thalianaseedlings, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 2015, 34: 2095–2103

    4.     W Liu*, L Sun,M Zhong, Q Zhou, Z Gong, P Li, P Tai, X Li. Cadmium-induced DNA damage and mutations in Arabidopsis Plantlet shoots identified by DNA fingerprinting, Chemosphere , 2012, 89: 1048-1055

    5.     Wan Liu, Peijun Li, QX Zhou. DNA mismatch repair related gene expression as potential biomarkers to assess cadmium exposure in Arabidopsis seedlings. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2009, 167: 1007-1013

    6.     Liu W, Yang Y, Li P, Zhou Q. Comparison of Cadmim-induced DNA damage using RAPD and physiological indices in barley seedlings. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2009, 161:878-883

    7.     Liu W, Yang Y., Hilary Rogers, D. Francis,Li PJ. Cadmium stress alters growth and gene expression of Arabidopsis seedlings. Chemosphere, 2008, 73: 11381144

    8.     Liu W, Yang Y., FrancisD.Rogers Hilary, Cadmium stress alters alters expression of DNA mismatch repair related genes in Arabidopsis seedlings. Chemosphere, 2008, 73: 11381144

    9.     Liu W, Yang Y, Li P, Zhou Q. Impact assessment of cadmium contamination on rice (Oryza sativa L.) seedlings at molecular and population levels using multiple biomarkers. Chemosphere, 2007, 6711551163

    10.   QI Xue-mei, Li Pei-junLIU Wan, XIE Li –jing, Multiple biomarkers response in maize(Zea mays L.) during exposure to copper, Jounal of Environmental Sciences,2006,18 (6):1182-1188

    11.   Liu W, P.J. Li, X, M. Qi, Q.X. Zhou, T.H.Sun, Y.S. Yang. DNA changes in barley (Hordeum vulgare) seedlings induced by cadmium pollution using RAPD analysis. Chemosphere, 2005, 61: 158-167

    12.   Liu W, Li P, Zhou Q. et al. Short-term toxic effect of chlorobenzenes on broadbean (Vicia faba) seedlings. Science in China, 2005, 48 Supp. 33-39

    13.   Liu W, Yang Y, Li P, Zhou Q et al. Root growth inhibition and induction o f DNA damagein soybean (Glycine max) by chlorobenzenes incontaminated soil. Chemosphere, 2004,57:101–106

    14.   X. Xiong, G. Allinson , F. Stagnitti , P. Li, X. Wang , W. Liu , M. Allinson , N. Turoczy, J. Peterson.  Cadmium Contamination of Soils of the Shenyang Zhangshi Irrigation Area, China: An Historical Perspective. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 2004, 73(2): 270-275

    15.   Liu W, Zhou Q, Pei Junli, Tieheng Sun, Yang Y.S. Toxic effects of 1,2,4-trichlorobenzene stress on chromosomal aberration and cell division of root-tip cells in broadbean (Vicia faba) seedlings, Bull Environ Contam Toxicol. 2003, 71(4): 689-697

  • National Natural Science Foundation of China, Regulation mechanisms of DNA MMR system for G2 phase arrest inArabidopsis under cadmium stress (PI, 2017-2020).

    Royal Society BP International Incoming Fellowship, Cardiff University, UK (March 2006-March 2007 ).

    National Natural Science Foundation of China (20377043), DNA damage and mismatch repair in plant cells under stress of organic pollutants (PI, 2004 -2006)

    “Salt-tolerant mechanisms of plants and their application”, Second Prize Award, the Ministry of Education, P.R. China, 1998 

    Certificate of Teaching Excellence (for undergraduate), Shenyang University of Agriculture, P.R. China, 1997